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The ICE Forward Conference > Program > Panel: The Future of ICE in the North American Rail Industry

Panel: The Future of ICE in the North American Rail Industry

Steven G. Fritz, P.E.

Steven G. Fritz, P.E.
Sr. Manager, Locomotive Technology Center
Southwest Research Institute

As Senior Manager of the Locomotive Technology Center, Mr. Fritz leads SwRI's activities in locomotive fuel consumption, efficiency improvements, and exhaust emissions characterization. He established the SwRI Locomotive Exhaust Emissions Test Center in 1992, and to-date, over 200 locomotives have been tested. Mr. Fritz is a recognized expert in locomotive fuel consumption and exhaust emission testing, and often serves as a consultant to industry and government on locomotive testing issues. Mr. Fritz has led numerous projects involving characterizing both regulated and unregulated exhaust emissions from heavy-duty diesel engines covering 50 to 6,000 horsepower. A number of these projects have involved low-carbon fuels, including Biodiesel and Renewable Diesel. Projects have included on-highway and nonroad engine applications, as well as locomotive, marine, and undergrounding mining.