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Short Courses

This year's short course offerings in Vancouver will include the topics below. (Please do not hesitate to register for the course you are interested in. Courses with low attendance may be cancelled. If cancelled, ASME will allow the registrants to reselect a different course.)


Hayden Marcollo

Date: TBD (Weekend prior to the conference)
Course Length: Approximately 4 Hours
Instructor: Hayden Marcollo, Director – AMOG

Aims and Objectives: The aim of the course is to provide a working knowledge (including CPD) for the practicing maritime engineer and/or project manager, with respect to Experimental Uncertainty Analysis (EUA). The objective is to, for the practicing engineer, build competency through broader engineering knowledge and, for the project manager, inform decision making when precuring/contracting hydrodynamic tests.

Topics Covered: The course will introduce the fundamental concepts of EUA, and the underlying mathematics. It will provide case study examples for typical hydrodynamic situations, that will be tackled in an experiential learning environment. It will cover the roles of regulatory bodies and present the methodologies agreed in the hydrodynamic community for standard experiments.

Pre-requisites and Materials:

  • Introductory level understanding of statistics and basic naval architecture.
  • Bring a pen, paper, and a laptop with Spread Sheet application (Excel or similar).

Date: TBD (Weekend prior to conference)
Course Length: Full Day (approx. 8hrs)


Dr. Junbo Jia

Dr. Junbo Jia
Odfjell Technology, Norway

Prof. Bernt Johan Leira

Prof. Bernt Johan Leira
University of Science and Technology, Norway

Course description: An understanding of the principles of structural dynamics and vibrations is important for assuring system integrity and operational functionality in different engineering areas. However, practical problems regarding dynamics are in many cases handled without success, despite large expenditures of investment. It is essential in approaching dynamic analysis and design that one develops an “intuition” to solve the relevant problems at hand; both academic knowhow and professional experience play equally important roles in developing such intuition. To meet the objectives above, this course aims to address a wide range of topics in the field of offshore structures, starting from fundamentals and moving on to relevant and practical engineering challenges and solutions. Topics covered will include (i) engineering failures due to inappropriate accounting of dynamics; (ii) Newtonian dynamics and stochastic dynamics; (iii) nonlinear dynamics; (iv) characterizing environmental loadings and responses; (v) dynamics in assessing different limit states (extreme, fatigue, etc.) (vi) vibration mitigation measures. Special emphasis is placed on engineering applications that utilize state-of-the-art knowledge, the finite element method, relevant codes, probabilistic methods, and recommended practices.

Target Audience: This course is primarily intended for industry professionals, researchers, and graduate students in offshore, civil, and marine engineering who desire an introduction to principles of dynamic analysis and design as well as those who are eager to learn advanced and efficient techniques used to mitigate vibrations for offshore as well as land-based structures.

Allan R. Magee

Date: (TBD – Weekend prior to the conference)
Course Length: (Half Day Course)
Instructor: Allan Magee, Consultant, OMAE24 Conference Chair

Instructor Bio: Allan R. Magee, is now working as a consultant. He was previously Director of Operations at Technology Centre for Offshore and Marine, Singapore (TCOMS), Principal Investigator for the Centre for Autonomous and Remotely Operated Vessels (CEAOPS), and Professor in Civil and Environmental Engineering at National University of Singapore (NUS). He holds an MSE and PhD in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering from the University of Michigan, and a BS from the University of Arizona in Engineering Physics.

He has over 30 years' experience in Marine and Offshore projects and R&D – 15 of those for Technip in Houston, TX and Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. He is a recognized expert in offshore platform design, mooring, hydrodynamics, and model testing and has over 120 publications. He took a leading role in the development of the Next-Generation Ocean Basin for TCOMS, and several projects, taught courses and supervised PhD students at NUS. He helps organize international conferences like OTC Asia and OMAE, which he will co-chair in 2024. He is a Fellow of SNAME and Institution of Engineers Singapore and Council Member of the Society of Floating Solutions, Singapore and has won several awards.

Course Outline:

  • Introduction: An overview of VLFS, including their history, examples, and engineering challenges
  • Examples of VLFS: Mobile Offshore Base (MOB) floating bridges, floating solar farms, fish farms, floating cities
  • Design Basis: Requirements for payload, motions, location & standards
  • Global Performance & Stationkeeping: Global analysis of VLFS, including structural and mooring design
  • Hydroelastic Analysis: The unique hydroelastic response of VLFS due to their horizontal extent and flexible structures
  • Cost: Elements of cost and their estimation; local content


Daniel Gaebele

Course Title: Wave Energy Converter Control Design
Date: TBD (Weekend prior to the conference)
Instructor: Daniel Gaebele, Research Engineer at Sandia National Laboratories

Instructor Biography: Daniel T. Gaebele is a Research and Development Electrical Engineer at Sandia National Laboratories’ Water Power Technologies Program. His research focuses on wave energy converter (WEC) control co-design and control co-optimization. Dr. Gaebele holds a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree both in Engineering Cybernetics from the University of Stuttgart, Germany, and a Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Oregon State University.

Course Description: This half-day course will provide a deep dive into wave energy converter (WEC) dynamics and their control co-design (CCD) for maximizing electricity output. WEC CCD utilizes methods from systems, control, and optimization theory to concurrently consider the multidisciplinary subsystems and their physical limitations during the early stages of design.

Course Highlights:

  • Energy conversion in an oscillatory resource: Power transmission and reflection
  • WEC Systems Thinking: Subsystems as input/output multiports and first principle models
  • Experimental modelling: System identification of multi-input WEC systems in wave tanks and subcomponent identification in bench tests
  • WEC control: Optimal numeric control, feedback controllers and control authority WecOptTool: Demonstration of an open-source WEC Optimization Software Toolbox

Pre-requisites & Materials:

  • Familiarity with "Ocean Waves and Oscillating Systems: Linear Interactions Including Wave-Energy Extraction" by Johannes Falnes
  • Laptop is not required, but software to work along will be provided

Target Audience: This course is primarily intended for industry professionals, researchers, and graduate students with previous experience in Wave Energy Conversion