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IMECE® 2023 > About > Organizing Committee

Organizing Committee

The Congress Steering Committee (CSC) is the committee that oversees IMECE. The CSC consists of the CSC Chair, the CSC Vice Chair, the Congress General Chair, the Technical Program Chair, the Technical Program Vice Chair, and four additional voting members drawn from the ASME Divisions. The CSC Senate consists of Past CSC Committee Chairs. The CSC Senate serves an advisory role including identification and nomination of new candidates to the CSC.


Dumitru (Micky) Caruntu

Dumitru (Micky) Caruntu
General Conference Chair
University of Texas – Rio Grande Valley

Albert Ratner

Albert Ratner
Technical Program Chair
University of Iowa

Reuben Kraft

Reuben Kraft
Technical Program Vice Chair
Penn State University

Christopher Depcik

Christopher Depcik
Steering Committee Chair
University of Kansas

Marriner Merrill

Marriner Merrill
Steering Committee Vice Chair
Rochester Institute of Technology

Alberto Cuitino

Alberto Cuitiño
Steering Committee Senate Chair
Rutgers - The State University of New Jersey

Olesya I. Zhupanska

Olesya I. Zhupanska
Steering Committee Senate Member
University of Arizona

George Kardomateas

George Kardomateas
Steering Committee Senate Member
Georgia Institute of Technology

Rama Koganti

Rama Koganti
Steering Committee Senate Member
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center

Assimina Pelegri

Assimina Pelegri
Steering Committee Senate Member
Rutgers - The State University of New Jersey

Stephen D. Tse

Stephen D. Tse
Steering Committee Senate Member
Rutgers - The State University of New Jersey

Caterina Rizzi

Caterina Rizzi
Member at Large
Università degli Studi di Bergamo

Wenbin Yu

Wenbin Yu
Member at Large
Purdue University

Ying Sun

Ying Sun
Member at Large
University of Cincinnati