Students and graduates are invited to present and/or compete with their posters based on work from NSF-funded research. This forum provides the students an opportunity to disseminate their research to their junior, peer, senior, and experts-in-the-field colleagues. IMECE provides the unique environment for students to interact with fellow researchers from single-focus, multidisciplinary, and/or international backgrounds. The track is divided into the topics of (1) NSF-funded research grants/programs and (2) Research Experience for Undergraduates (REUs).
16-1 Poster Session: NSF-funded Research (Grad & Undergrad)
16-2 Poster Session: NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU)
(Select NSF Poster Presentation as your submission type. Do not submit to any other topics than what is listed above. We will not re-assign your submissions at the 11th hour.)
Both topics will be held simultaneous at the same venue to encourage networking and sharing of information by the participants. Awards will be presented to recognize and rank the outstanding posters and presenters. Judging of the posters will be made on-site. The Track Organizers will provide additional information after abstract acceptance, including poster format and the availability of limited travel grants.
Schedule: TBA
Competition Qualifications
All NSF-funded research and REU students are welcomed to present their posters at Track 16, with additional requirements for those wishing to be included in the competition. Qualifications for the competition include lead author, who must also be the presenting author, must be a currently registered student (undergraduate or graduate level) or has recently graduated (within 1 year from graduation date). Work must be primarily based on efforts from the past 2 years and majority funding source sponsored by NSF (such as research, educational, fellowship, or SBIR/STTR program). If there is travel grant award money available, then authors will be provided the information associated with competition entry and limited travel award application for supplementing travel costs in early July.
Forms and Information: After abstract acceptance, the competition General Information Packet, supplemental travel grant application form, templates for posters, and all relevant forms and templates will be available for download.
Judging: If you are interested to serve as a judge (no students allowed) for the poster session, please contact the Track Organizers at and provide your name, email address, and work affiliation.
Important Dates
Abstract Submission: June 23
Abstract Acceptance Notification: July 10
Poster Registration and Submission of electronic posters and supplemental Travel Grant Application (TGA):
• August 3: If presenting another submission in the regular technical program
• August 21: If only presenting in the NSF Poster Track
Supplemental Travel Grant Selectee (TGS) Notification: September 7