Committee Meetings
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Special Events
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Panel: Predictive NDE/SHM of Complex Materials and Structures
2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Deer Valley, 1st Floor, Marriott Hotel
Sponsored by ASME NDPD Division
Panelists: Jeff Donahue, SpaceX; Yuris Dzenis, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (co-organizer); Chuck Farrar, LANL; Kai Goebel, Palo Alto Research Corporation; Endel Iarve, UT-Arlington; Eric Lindgren, AFRL; Robert Pilarczyk, Hill Engineering; Massimo Ruzzene (moderator), University of Colorado; Andrei Zagrai, New Mexico Tech (co-organizer)
Abstract: Current generation of Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE) systems, i.e. quantitative NDE (QNDE), is replacing previous generation qualitative systems. Mechanical engineering is playing an important role, as many NDE systems are utilizing vibration, acoustic, ultrasonic, electromagnetic, radiation, or thermal phenomena. Next generation NDE will build on QNDE by adding real-time predictive capabilities; such next gen systems will not only identify/quantify damage, but will also predict the remaining life of the structure in various operating environments. This panel of experts from the government, academia, and industry will discuss the current state of QNDE and Structural Health Monitoring (SHM), physical and data-driven predictive failure models, and the prospects of linking these into predictive NDE systems. Special emphasis will be on new complex and composite materials and on real-time acquisition and automated passage of the damage information to the multiscale predictive models. Lessons learned from the decades of relevant developments in the field of metallic structures will be analyzed. Gaps in knowledge and the R&D needs will be identified and discussed.
Panel: Nanotechnology in Mechanical Engineering – Potential, Reality, Opportunity and Challenges (NANOMECH)
2:30 PM – 5:30 PM
Salt Lake City Convention Center, Room 151 G, 1st Floor
Sponsored by the ASME Nanoengineering for Energy and Sustainability Committee (NEES)
Panelists: Timothy S. Fisher, UCLA, Jun Lou, Rice University, Emil Sandoz-Rosado, Ph.D., U.S. Army Research Laboratory, Dr. Keith Perkins, US Naval Research Laboratory, Ajit K. Roy, PhD, Air Force Research Laboratory
NANOMECH will bring together a panel of experts and visionaries from academia, government, industries and policy makers to present their perspectives and directions of nanotechnology field. We envision this as a foundation for ASME to develop technology roadmap addressing both short- and long-term needs. This workshop is to focus on the realization of futuristic nanorobots to atomic scale factories to unprecedented improvements in properties require understanding of nanoscale sciences, new manufacturing techniques and interdisciplinary concepts of thermal, electronic, mechanical and chemical effects.

The Italian Way To Advanced Manufacturing Panel and Advanced Manufacturing Reception
6:00PM – 8:00PM
Salon D, 1st Floor, Marriott Hotel
Sponsored by the Italian Trade Agency
All are welcome to the Advanced Manufacturing Track Reception with complimentary food and refreshments. The reception will include an exciting panel discussion by ASME members and industry experts from Italy on novel technologies coming out of Italy and the best practices for collaborations between Italian and US companies and research centers in the area of advanced manufacturing. The Advanced Manufacturing Track will also be presenting their Best Paper Awards during the reception.