Extended Abstract Template
Extended Abstract Template [PDF].
Extended Abstract Template [Word].
Please note extended abstracts should be 3 pages in length and follow the format in the template.
Extended abstracts are due by April 1.
Verbal and poster sessions will emphasize basic science and early engineering developments in quan- titative NDE and closely related technologies including materials characterization, process monitoring/ control, advanced diagnostics, structural health monitoring, sensor development, and prognostics that utilize quantitative NDE techniques. There will be both special session and contributed paper tracks.
Categories of the review will include advances in:
- Fundamentals (theoretical and experimental confirmation) of all QNDE methods including generation and propagation of interrogating fields, field-flaw interaction.
- All signal processing techniques and applications to QNDE.
- Sensors, transducers, and probes for flaw detection, material property measurements, process control, long-term health monitoring, and security applications.
- New QNDE applications, techniques, instruments, and systems.
- QNDE for materials characterization (properties, microstructure, stress and texture, weldments and joined materials, corrosion, and other degradation mechanisms).
- QNDE for advanced materials (composites, electronic materials and devices, ceramics, and biological).
- NDE and NDT for Civil Infrastructure Systems and Civil Engineering Materials.
- Applications of QNDE in design, advanced manufacturing, and process monitoring and control.
- Structural health monitoring and prognostics, including smart materials applications.
- NDE/SHM of oil & gas structures.
- Well-integrity evaluation and acoustic logging of formation properties.
- Measurements confirming and/or computational solutions to established World Federation benchmark problems.
- Other advances in QNDE and related topics.
- Annual Student Poster Competition.
Short papers (8-10 pages) will be submitted to the proceedings after the conference. Proceedings to be housed in the ASME Digital Collection.
Selected papers will be published in a special issue of the ASME Transactions – Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, Diagnostics and Prognostics of Engineering Systems.