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Manu Platt

Opening Keynote

Manu Platt
Director, Center for Biomedical Engineering Technology Acceleration (BETA Center)

Affiliation: NIBIB / NIH (National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering / National Institutes of Health)

Keynote Title: Dynamic Interplay between Biomechanics and Biochemistry in Large Artery Remodeling due to Sickle Cell Disease

Biography: Dr. Manu Platt became the inaugural director of the NIH-wide Center for Biomedical Engineering Technology Acceleration (BETA Center) housed within NIBIB, as a new NIH campus model for accelerating technology-driven interdisciplinary research and clinical translation and to bring engineering, clinicians, and basic scientists together in February 2023,. Dr. Manu Platt earned his B.S. in Biology from Morehouse College and Ph.D. from Georgia Tech/Emory in Biomedical Engineering. After a postdoc at MIT, he returned to Georgia Tech/Emory’s joint department as an Assistant Professor where he worked up to promotion to full Professor. His research program focuses on proteolytic mechanisms of disease, translational approaches to reduce strokes in people affected by sickle cell disease, and harnessing proteolytic networks and systems biology tools to predict disease progression. Among other awards, Dr. Platt was awarded the Biomedical Engineering Society Diversity Award, is a Fellow of American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE), Fellow of Biomedical Engineering Society, the Root 100 in 2019, and AAAS Mentor Award in 2021.



Alan Eberhardt

Medal Winners

Alan Eberhardt
Nerem ASME Medal
Professor and Associate Chair of Education
Department of Biomedical Engineering – University of Alabama At Birmingham

Title of Talk: "When will you quit this drumming nonsense?" Lessons in mentoring learned over 40+ years in academia

Abstract: This talk will tell my history in academia in parallel with my pursuit of music, while highlighting the mentors with whom I was engaged along the way and how they affected my mentoring style. From my "dark years" of 9th and 10th grade, to the completion of my PhD and ultimately to a successful career in academia, I'll share my experiences with great professors and amazing local musicians, who helped shaped my life and were formative in my mentoring style. The recognition that happiness, for me, involves maintaining a healthy mind and body, with a consistent influx of music, helped me to recognize that my students have a life outside of the classroom/lab, and one that I should fully support.

Biography: As Professor and Associate Chair of Education, Dr. Eberhardt oversees all activities related to undergraduate and graduate education in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at (UAB). He serves as the Undergraduate Program Director and works with the Graduate Program Director to help maintain and direct the curricula and teaching responsibilities for each program. For over 30 years, he has been an active and productive researcher in orthopedic and injury biomechanics at UAB and is the Director of the Experimental Biomechanics Core. With respect to mentoring, he has accumulated extensive experience leading innovation and design activities within the School of Engineering. As the recipient of NSF funding (21 years) and NIH funding (13 years), he has mentored student teams through work with clinicians and therapists to develop rehabilitation and assistive devices. He has served as instructor for the senior capstone sequences since 1995 and has coached hundreds of senior capstone students who have designed, constructed, and delivered new or modified prototype medical and rehab equipment. As Director for the Design & Commercialization track within the UAB Master of Science in Engineering Management, he brought these efforts to the graduate level and partnered with the Harbert Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship to promote commercialization of student design projects, primarily in rehabilitation and assistive technologies. He has won numerous teaching and mentorship awards, including the 2021 Graduate School Dean's Mentorship Award for Excellence in Mentorship, and the 2012 Ellen Gregg Ingalls UAB National Alumni Society Award for Lifetime Achievement in Teaching.


Yongjie Jessica Zhang

Yongjie Jessica Zhang
Mow ASME Medal
George Tallman Ladd and Florence Barrett Ladd Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Courtesy Appointment in Biomedical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University

Title of Talk: Integrating Isogeometric Analysis with Deep Learning and Digital Twins to Investigate Neurological Disorders

Abstract: Coupling physics-based simulation and data-driven modeling have demonstrated great power in predicting complex systems. This talk focuses on integrating an advanced finite element method called isogeometric analysis (IGA) with deep learning and digital twins to address challenging problems in investigating neurological disorders. To investigate neurodevelopmental disorders, we introduce a novel phase field model coupled with tubulin and synaptogenesis concentration to simulate intricate neurite outgrowth and disorders using IGA, dynamic domain expansion and local refinement. By integrating IGA with deep learning and digital twins, we conduct thorough investigations into the functional role of various parameters affecting the neurodevelopmental disorder with comparison to experimental results. To investigate intracellular transport induced neurodegenerative disorders, we develop a PDE-constrained optimization model to simulate traffic jams induced by microtubule reduction and swirl. We also build a novel IGA-based physics-informed graph neural network to quickly predict normal and abnormal transport phenomena in complex neuron geometries.

Biography: Jessica Zhang is the George Tallman Ladd and Florence Barrett Ladd Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) with a courtesy appointment in Biomedical Engineering. She received her B.Eng. in Automotive Engineering, and M.Eng. in Engineering Mechanics from Tsinghua University, China; and M.Eng. in Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics and Ph.D. in Computational Engineering and Sciences from Oden Institute, The University of Texas at Austin. Her research interests include computational geometry, isogeometric analysis, finite element method, data-driven simulation, image processing, and their applications in computational biomedicine and engineering. Zhang has co-authored over 240 publications in peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings and received several Best Paper Awards. She published a book entitled Geometric Modeling and Mesh Generation from Scanned Images with CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group. Zhang's recent major awards include ASME Van C. Mow Medal, AWM-SIAM Sonia Kovalevsky Lecture Award, and Simons Visiting Professorship from Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach of Germany. She is a Fellow of ASME, SIAM, IAMBE, AIMBE, IACM, USACM, SMA, and ELATES at Drexel. She also received the prestigious US Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers, NSF CAREER Award, Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Award, and USACM Gallagher Young Investigator Award. Zhang's current leadership roles in her research societies include Vice President of USACM (rotate to President in 2026), Chair of AIMBE College of Fellows, Chair of SIAM Activity Group of Geometric Design, and Vice Chair of ASME AMD-CONCAM. She is the Editor-in-Chief of Engineering with Computers.


Spencer Szczesny

Spencer Szczesny
Fung ASME Medal
Associate Professor with a joint appointment in the Departments of Biomedical
Engineering and Orthopedics & Rehabilitation
Pennsylvania State University

Title of Talk: To Be or Not To Be: Questions on Tendon Development and Inclusive Science

Abstract: Tendons have a complicated hierarchical structure that enables them to sustain high tensile loads and facilitate functional activities of daily living. While several structure-function relationships have been identified in mature tendons, the key structural changes that produce a robust tensile load-bearing tissue during development remain unclear. This talk will describe my research utilizing multiscale structural, mechanical, computational, and biological techniques to understand how mature tendons come into being. Additionally, I will discuss my broader efforts to create a more inclusive scientific community and facilitate the development of biomedical engineers. Specifically, I will describe a novel open-source load-controlled tensile bioreactor intentionally designed without a feedback control system to minimize accessibility barriers. Additionally, I will present my research investigating whether the incorporation of education on inequality and bias into engineering curricula improves the sense of belonging and retention of women in biomedical engineering.

Biography: Dr. Szczesny is an associate professor at the Pennsylvania State University with a joint appointment in the Departments of Biomedical Engineering and Orthopaedics & Rehabilitation. He completed his postdoctoral training in 2017 as an NIH NRSA F32 fellow and obtained a PhD in bioengineering in 2015 at the University of Pennsylvania. Prior to his doctorate, Dr. Szczesny developed medical implants as a design engineer for Aesculap Implant Systems and as a research assistant at the Helmholtz Institute for Biomedical Technology in Aachen, Germany. He obtained a MS in mechanical engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2005 and a BS in mechanical engineering at the University of Pennsylvania in 2003. Dr. Szczesny’s research on tendon/ligament mechanics and mechanobiology has been recognized by his 2024 election as an ASME Fellow, a 2022 NSF CAREER Award, 2022 CMBE Rising Star Award, 2016 ORS New Investigator Recognition Award (NIRA) finalist, 2015 Acta Student Award, and two-time winner of the ASME/SB3C PhD competition. Dr. Szczesny has served as co-chair of the Mechanobiology Theme within the Tissue and Cellular Engineering ASME Technical Committee, Associate Editor of the journal Connective Tissue Research, member of the Orthopaedic Research Society (ORS) Annual Meeting Program Committee, and member of the ORS Tendon Section Board. Dr. Szczesny is also committed to improving diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) within engineering. He currently is a Diversity Advocate for the ASME Journal of Biomechanical Engineering and served as the 2022 SB3C Diversity Chair and member of the ORS DEI Committee.


Kai-Nan An

Kai-Nan An
Lissner ASME Medal
Professor Emeritus
Mayo Clinic College of Medicine

Title of Talk: Biomechanics of the Upper Extremities - A Rewarding Career at the Mayo

Abstract: I was recruited to the Mayo Clinic in the mid-1970s to contribute to the development of arthroplasties for joint replacement of the upper extremities. At the time, I had limited knowledge of design, so fundamental studies were initiated. Experimental measurements and theoretical analyses were conducted. The methods, principles, and concepts developed not only contributed to implant design but also facilitated the clinical understanding of disorder etiologies, diagnoses, treatments, and even prevention.

In this lecture, I will discuss the application of biomechanics principles in various areas: pulley reconstruction of the flexor tendon in the hand, tendon transfer in the shoulder, restoration of elbow stability, potential etiology and prevention of carpal tunnel syndrome, and the clinical applications of elastography for soft tissue assessments.

Throughout my rewarding career, the most fulfilling aspect has been the fruitful and blessed collaborations between engineers, scientists, and physicians—particularly with my mentors and fellows.

Biography: Kai-Nan An received his B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from National Cheng-Kung University in Taiwan in 1969. After completing his military service in the Air Force, he went on to Lehigh University in Bethlehem, PA, where he earned his M.S. and Ph.D. in Applied Mechanics in 1973 and 1975, respectively. He then joined the Biomechanics Laboratory at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN, where he served as Director from 1993 to 2014. In 1993, he was named the John and Posy Krehbiel Professor of Orthopedics at Mayo Medical School.

Dr. An has co-authored over 900 scientific articles and book chapters. His research interests span biomechanics, biomaterials, imaging, orthopedics, and rehabilitation. His clinical focus has been on the joint and tissue mechanics of the musculoskeletal system, particularly in the upper extremities. He has been awarded numerous grants from the NIH and industry, and his collaborative work extends globally.

Throughout his career, Dr. An has received several prestigious awards, including the Borelli Award from the ASB, the Muybridge Award from the ISB, the Neer Award from the ASES, and the Kappa Delta Award from the AAOS. He has also received Distinguished Alumni Awards from Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and National Cheng-Kung University. Dr. An is an Academician of Academia Sinica, Taiwan.


John Bischof Mehmet Toner

ATP-Bio Team: John Bischof & Mehmet Toner
Grood ASME Medal
University of Minnesota
Massachusetts General Hospital

Title of Talk: Advanced Technologies for the Preservation of Biological Systems (ATP-Bio): A Shining Example of Convergent Team Science

Abstract: This NSF ERC ATP-Bio focuses on halting biological time to preserve living products, thereby advancing healthcare, biodiversity, and food sustainability. Co-led by the University of Minnesota and Massachusetts General Hospital, ATP-Bio includes six institutions and over 40 partners. The project's biological testbeds encompass cells for therapy, tissues for drug discovery, organs for transplantation, and whole organisms to preserve genetic models, agricultural products, and biodiversity. Its breakthrough technologies, such as high subzero supercooling and cryogenic vitrification, enable long term organ and organoid preservation to address organ shortages and providing treatments for diabetes and liver failure. Additionally, ATP-Bio works to prevent loss or genetic drift of model organisms like Drosophila and Zebrafish, with future plans for supporting a lunar biorepository for other critical species. Along with research, ATP-Bio trains the workforce for the emerging "Cryo Supply Chain" and evaluating governance and societal adoption with its ethical, legal, and societal implications (ELSI) team.

Biography: ATP-Bio is focused on halting biological time, enabling living products to be readily available across the globe to advance healthcare, biodiversity, and food sustainability. ATP-Bio is co-led by the University of Minnesota and Massachusetts General Hospital and comprised of 6 institutions (University of Minnesota, Massachusetts General Hospital, UC Berkeley, UC Riverside, Carnegie Mellon and Texas A+M), 30+ faculty, 100+ trainees and more than 40 industrial, academic and non-profit partners. ATP-Bio’s biological testbeds include cells for therapy, tissues and organoids for drug discovery and therapeutics, organs for transplantation, and whole organisms to preserve genetic model systems (e.g. Drosophila and Zebrafish), as well as agricultural products and biodiversity. ATP-Bio breakthrough platform technologies include high subzero (e.g. supercooling and partial freezing), and lower subzero cryogenic (e.g. vitrification and isochoric) approaches. These technologies now enable organ and organoid preservation up to months, with the potential to address the organ wait list, and offer solutions for complex diseases such as diabetes, cardiac conditions, and liver failure. Work on whole organisms will allow critical genetic lines from Drosophila and Zebrafish to be banked at stock centers to avoid genetic drift or catastrophic loss and may one day support a lunar biorepository for terrestrial and aquatic species. In addition to research, ATP-Bio is training the workforce for the emerging "Cryo Supply Chain" which comprises a growing innovation ecosystem of commercial, academic and NGO partners. Finally, with our ELSI (Ethical, Legal, and Societal Implications) colleagues, we are evaluating anticipatory governance, regulation, and societal adoption of these transformative technologies.


Umut Atakan Gurkan

Umut Atakan Gurkan
Woo ASME Medal
Wilbert J. Austin Professor of Engineering
Case Western Reserve University
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering; Biomedical Engineering - Case Comprehensive Cancer Center

Title of Talk: Bridging the Gap: Innovative Point-of-Care Diagnostics and Personalized Medicine for Global Health Equity

Abstract: We are in a transformative era for healthcare with innovations like point-of-care diagnostics and genome editing. However, there's a stark gap in access, especially in low- and middle-income countries where diseases like sickle cell anemia disproportionately affect millions, leading to high child mortality. My group's research focuses on understanding biomechanics and biophysics of hemoglobin, red blood cells, and microcirculation, leading to new diagnostic technologies that enhance timely treatment. I'll discuss our approach to engineering solutions tailored for underserved regions, presenting real-world impacts from our clinical studies worldwide, including the deployment of Gazelle Hb Variant technology in over 40 countries.

Biography: Umut Gurkan is the Wilbert J. Austin Professor of Engineering and leads the Case Biomanufacturing and Microfabrication Laboratory at Case Western Reserve University (CWRU). He holds appointments in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Orthopedics, the Case Comprehensive Cancer Center, and the Clinical and Translational Science Collaborative of Northern Ohio. His work centers on microcirculation, vascular mechanobiology and red blood cell biomechanics, driving the development of innovative microfluidic systems and point-of-care diagnostics for blood disorders, aiming for global diagnostic equity. Gurkan's academic journey includes a Ph.D. from Purdue University and postdoctoral training at Harvard-MIT, leading to over 110 publications, 18 US patents, 100+ international patent applications, and the founding of four biotech firms, with products like Gazelle Hb Variant impacting millions across 40+ countries for sickle cell disease and thalassemia screening. His leadership in international technology translation extends from the US to Africa, Middle East, Asia, and India. Recognized globally, Gurkan has received prestigious awards, including, Distinguished Investigator Award from the Association for Clinical and Translational Science, Wiederhielm Award from the Microcirculatory Society, Faculty Distinguished Research Award from the CWRU, Featured New Investigator Award from the Central Society for Clinical and Translational Research, NSF Faculty Early Career Development Award, Rising Star Award from the BMES Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering Division, MIT Technology Review Innovator under 35 Award, and Doris Duke Innovations in Clinical Research Award. He is a Senior Member of the National Academy of Inventors (NAI) and a Fellow of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE).