Professional Development Tutorial
Title: Transition Coaching for Mid and Late Career Engineers
Time: Friday, June 21st 10:15 – 12:45
Mid-career transitions — including moving into a bigger role, juggling family situations, and dealing with job performance issues — can be some of life’s most difficult.
Transitioning to life after a long career can also be extremely challenging. In every transition, individuals confront questions such as:
- What will my new identity be?
- How do I want my new life to look?
- What habits and skills do I need to fully maximize the next leg of my life journey?
This tutorial will explore the challenges of transitions, and take the class participants through a series of exercises to:
- Assess current professional and personal situation
- Develop goals for the next phase of life
- Create an Action Plan for achieving those goals
- Evaluate existing and new identity
- Explore existing habits and how they will support or hinder the next phase of life
Be prepared to think outside the box and develop some ideas and action plans that just may radically change your life!
About the Speaker
Brian Forbes is a marketing consultant and executive coach
with almost 30 years of leadership experience in the technology industry.
Who May Attend?
This tutorial, funded by IGTI, is open to all who register and pay to attend the ASME 2019 Turbo Expo Conference.