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IDETC-CIE > Program > Design Tool Commercialization Showcase

Design Tool Commercialization Showcase

The ASME Design Tool Commercialization Showcase is a pitch-style, demonstration session wherein participants can showcase their physical and digital design tools. Submissions to the showcase are presentation-only and aimed at disseminating research-based and commercialized design tools. The showcase acts as a forum for enhancing academic-industry collaboration and seeks to support the further development of design tools spanning the entire commercialization ladder, i.e., from research prototypes to commercialized and open-access tools.

Expected submissions include but are not limited to any combination of the following:

  • Design education tools,
  • Design conceptualization and ideation aids,
  • Computer-aided design tools
  • Virtualization and extended reality (i.e., augmented reality, mixed reality, and virtual reality) approaches,
  • Design for manufacturing reference guides, and process planning tools
  • Simulation tools and frameworks in systems design
  • Tools supporting design and development of industrial digital twins
  • Computer-supported software/hardware supporting manufacturing digitalization and industrial green transition