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Keynote Speaker

Aziz Merchant

Prof. (Adj) Aziz Merchant
Executive Vice President of Engineering and Technology
& New Product Development/Engineering

Keynote Title: Maritime Decarbonisation: Future Marine Fuels & Energy Efficiency Technology

Abstract: Maritime decarbonisation has emerged as a critical imperative in the global sustainability agenda. Prof. Aziz Merchant's keynote will delve into the intricate landscape of this transformative journey, focusing on future marine fuels and energy efficiency technology.

The speech will commence with an overview of the current state of maritime emissions, emphasizing the significant impact on global sustainability. Highlighting the urgency of action, it will underscore the pivotal role of initiatives such as Singapore's ambitious decarbonisation targets and pioneering efforts in setting the course for industry-wide transformation.

Exploring various decarbonisation pathways will be central to Prof. Aziz Merchant's discourse, addressing technological advancements, alternative fuels, and the challenges and opportunities they entail. Case studies of successful decarbonisation initiatives will provide invaluable insights into practical implementation and lessons learned.

Furthermore, the speech will advocate for industry collaboration and strategic approaches, emphasizing the importance of collective action in achieving emissions reduction goals. Prof. Aziz Merchant will conclude by outlining a vision for a cleaner, greener maritime industry and the indispensable role of ongoing innovation and cooperation in realizing this vision.

We believe that Prof. Aziz Merchant's keynote will provide attendees with a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and opportunities in maritime decarbonisation, inspiring actionable insights and fostering dialogue towards a sustainable future.

Biography: Aziz Merchant holds a Master of Science (MSc) in Naval Architecture from University College London, Bachelor of Engineering (First Class) in Naval Architecture & Ocean Engineering from University of Glasgow and has also attended the General Management Program (GMP) at Harvard Business School.

With over 30 years of extensive design and engineering experience in offshore oil and gas development projects and offshore/marine vessel designs, Prof Merchant has more than 100 international scientific patents granted or filed under his name. Being an Adjunct Professor at the National University of Singapore since 2014, he encourages researchers to apply new capabilities, concepts, and technology across different fields to raise the bar of research and development cross-industries.

As an Executive Vice President at Seatrium, he manages technology development for offshore renewables, new energy, green oil and gas, autonomous ship solutions, as well as Engineering Centres in Singapore and overseas, ensuring design and engineering operations function efficiently and effectively to drive business segment results.

Prior to his current appointment, he was the Director of Engineering at Keppel Offshore & Marine and Executive Director at Keppel Marine & Deepwater Technology.

In 2023, Aziz Merchant was appointed as a member of the Science & Technology Advisory Panel for the Technology Centre for Offshore & Marine, Singapore (TCOMS). TCOMS is a venture between the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*Star) and the National University of Singapore.

He is also a member of the President Science & Technology Award selection committee since 2015.

Currently he is working on creating next generation offshore & maritime designs for energy transition in new energy, renewables and nearshore infrastructure such as alternative fuel transportation, offshore renewable solutions, deepsea mineral exploitation solutions, autonomous shipping, floating wind platforms, Carbon capture solutions, etc. He has a led a team of engineers to successfully complete a pilot trial in Singapore waters for a remote controlled and autonomous tug-boat under Maritime Port Authority grant funding.

He has also been recognized by industries for his unwavering drive for innovation. He received the Singapore Maritime Port Authority (MPA) Outstanding Maritime R&D & Technology Award in 2008 & 2015 and the Institute of Engineers Singapore Prestigious Engineering Achievement Awards 2009, 2013, 2016 & 2018. He has also received the ASEAN Outstanding Engineering Achievement Awards in 2009 & 2018.