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ASME IMECE hosts three poster sessions during the conference. See below for information on participating in a poster session.

Submission Deadlines
The deadline to submit abstracts for Track 19: Government Agency Student Poster Competition and Track 20: Research Posters is July 15th. The deadline for Track 18: ASME Undergraduate Expo is September 29th.

Submit Here

Registration for the posters depends on which track you are participating in and is applicable if you are only submitting a poster in that track. If you are submitting a Technical Publication or Technical Presentation as well, the registration for your poster will be included in your Author registration.

Registration Type Rate
Track 17: Research Posters $940
**$350 for all student posters
Track 18: Undergrad Expo Only $150
Track 19: Government Agency Student Poster Only $470

Poster Size and Template: Posters for all tracks should not exceed 48 inches high by 45 inches wide. Each poster board at the conference needs to be able to accommodate four posters on each board. You can find poster preparation details here.

Find more detailed information about a particular poster track below.

This is a great opportunity to recognize and reward the hard work and innovative ideas of our attendees. Awards available will be announced before submission deadline. We encourage graduate students, young researchers and all IMECE participants to submit their posters for a chance to win!

The Research Posters Track is a unique opportunity for all attendees, especially for graduate students and young researchers, to present their current research work to the IMECE community. It provides a forum to share their latest findings, obtain feedback on research that may be already published or not yet be ready for presentation at the conference in archival form, and, finally, foster networking opportunities.

The research poster should be relevant to the topics of one or more tracks at IMECE 2025.

Conference Schedule
Wednesday, November 20: Poster Setup: 9:00am – 10:00am | General Viewing: 12:00pm – 2:30pm

Registration deadline: August 19, 2025
Questions: Email additional questions that you may have to Caterina Rizzi.

The student expo provides undergraduate engineering students with a professional and technical forum for presenting their research, design project, and other engineering solutions and endeavors to top researchers and scientists from academia, industry, government, prospective employers, entrepreneurs graduate schools, and potential faculty advisors.

Abstract Requirements: Abstracts should be submitted using the IMECE webtool. Login as an "Author/Organizer" and then click the button to submit an abstract. You must submit your abstract to the "Undergraduate Research and Design Expo Student Poster Competition" track. The abstract should be 400-600 words long and should include the following elements: An introduction that provides the motivation and purpose of the research. The contribution of the work toward advancing science and/or engineering. The methodology used (e.g., experimental techniques, analytical, computational, etc.). Preliminary results and conclusions. A minimum of one student author per poster must register after the abstract is accepted. The student registrant will be provided access to the conference. Please note that this is a POSTER PRESENTATION competition, only. A paper is not required, nor will it be accepted or will it be an option.

Important Dates
September 29, 2025
Abstract Submission

October 7, 2025
Abstract Acceptance Notification

October 20, 2025
Poster Registration

Conference Schedule
Monday, November 17:
Poster Setup: 2:00pm – 4:00pm | Judging: 4:00pm – 6:00pm | Expo (General Viewing): 5:00pm – 7:00pm

Registration deadline: October 20, 2025
Questions: Additional questions submit a help ticket

Undergraduate and graduate students are invited to present and/or compete with their posters based on work from NSF-funded research. This forum provides the students an opportunity to disseminate their research to their junior, peer, senior, and experts-in-the-field colleagues. IMECE provides a unique environment for students to interact with fellow researchers from single-focus, multidisciplinary, and/or international backgrounds. The track is divided into the topics of (1) NSF-funded research grants/programs and (2) Research Experience for Undergraduates (REUs).

19-1 Poster Session: Government-funded Research (Grad & Undergrad)
19-2 Poster Session: Government Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU)

(Select Government Agency Student Poster Presentation as your submission type. Do not submit to any other topics than what is listed above. We will not re-assign your submissions at the 11th hour.)

Both topics will be held simultaneously at the same venue to encourage networking and sharing of information by the participants. Awards will be presented to recognize and rank the outstanding posters and presenters. Judging of the posters will be done on-site. The Track Organizers will provide additional information after abstract acceptance, including poster format (see size requirements above) and the availability of limited travel grants.

Important Dates
July 15, 2025
Abstract Submission

July 29, 2025
Abstract Acceptance Notification

August 16, 2025
Copyright due

August 19, 2025
Author Registration Deadline

Conference Schedule
Wednesday, November 19: Poster Setup: 9:00am – 10:00am | Judging: 10:00am – 3:00pm | General Viewing: 12:00pm – 3:00pm

Awards: By November 26th

Competition Qualifications: All NSF-funded research and REU students are welcomed to present their posters at Track 16, with additional requirements for those wishing to be included in the competition. Qualifications for the competition include lead author, who must also be the presenting author, must be a currently registered student (undergraduate or graduate level) or has recently graduated (within 1 year from graduation date). Work must be primarily based on efforts from the past 2 years and majority funding source sponsored by NSF (such as research, educational, fellowship, or SBIR/STTR program). If there is travel grant award money available, then authors will be provided the information associated with competition entry and limited travel award application for supplementing travel costs in early July.

Forms and Information: After abstract acceptance, the competition General Information Packet, supplemental travel grant application form (if available), templates for posters, and all relevant forms and templates will be available for download.

Judging: If you are interested to serve as a judge (no students allowed) for the poster session, please contact the Track Organizers at and provide your name, email address, and work affiliation.

Questions: Email additional questions that you may have to