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Turbo Expo 2023 > Students > Student and Early Career Engineer Opportunities

Student and Early Career Engineer Opportunities

ASME's IGTI Division, in conjunction with the Student Advisory Committee (SAC), offers many opportunities for students, as well as early career engineers. These include networking events, experience reviewing papers, and even Turbo Expo travel awards. Read more on these and other benefits of getting involved below.

Student Paper Review Initiative Application Deadline
November 20, 2022

Student Advisory Committee Liaisons Application Deadline
February 1, 2023

Student Poster Abstracts Due
February 1, 2023

SACTA Application Deadline
February 1, 2023

TEECE Application Deadline
February 1, 2023

Call for Leadership Applications Deadline
May 19, 2023

Important Dates for Student Posters


The Student Advisory Committee (SAC) is a group of students who work to foster student engagement in the IGTI community and improve the Turbo Expo conference every year. Towards this goal, the SAC organizes various sessions and events during the conference, provides opportunities for students to work behind the scenes with leaders in their technical area as Student Advisory Committee Liaisons, and awards travel funds to eligible degree seeking individuals.

Meet the 2022-2023 Student Advisory Committee (SAC) Leadership Team.

The ASME IGTI Student Advisory Committee (SAC) is looking for student liaisons to interact directly with the ASME IGTI technical committees. The SAC liaison will be expected to serve as a link between the SAC and their respective technical committee chair. This role will give the student a chance to collaborate in future tutorial sessions at Turbo Expo, communicate ideas and updates between the SAC and the technical committee, and opportunities for professional development.

For more details, visit the Student Advisory Committee (SAC) Liaisons page.

The SAC Student Paper Review Initiative aims to pair a student with a senior member of the community to complete a paper review. We are looking for students who are interested in reviewing a paper for Turbo Expo 2023 and the Journal of Turbomachinery. This is an excellent opportunity to learn how the review process works, and to work with a leader in the student's preferred field.

To be eligible as a student reviewer, the following qualifications must be met:

  1. Knowledge and familiarity with the ASME IGTI Division and Turbo Expo
  2. At least one paper published at Turbo Expo or ASME Journal
  3. At least two published papers
  4. Must be a PhD student

For more details, visit the Student Paper Review Initiative page

The Student Poster Competition is a major event organized by the SAC at Turbo Expo. Presenting a poster is an excellent opportunity to display research outside of a paper while still contributing to the continuing advancements in the turbomachinery community. To be eligible to present a poster, the presenting author must have completed the research presented on the poster while seeking a degree at a university at an undergraduate (Bachelor's) or graduate level (Master's or PhD). Submit your research and contribute to the continuing conversation on advancements in turbine technology.

For information on prizes, past winners, and the application, please visit the Student Poster Competition page.

The Student Advisory Committee Travel Awards (SACTA) have been made available for students in 2023, with priority given to students who both participate in the conference and actively contribute to the growth of the SAC. The award will consist of reimbursement of approved expenses to attend and participate in ASME Turbo Expo up to $2,000 USD. Applicants for these awards must be seeking a degree. Preference will be given to students who have previously worked and/or have applied to work as a student liaison for Turbo-Expo. The applicant must agree to participate in the SAC Annual Meeting and be willing to help the SAC leadership team review student posters. Communication with the SAC leadership team may be requested prior to, during, and following Turbo Expo.

For more details, please visit the SACTA page.


The Turbo Expo Early Career Engineer Travel Award is intended for early career engineers working in industry, in government or in academia to obtain travel funding to attend ASME Turbo Expo to present a paper which they have authored or co-authored. The purpose is to provide a way for more to participate in the annual Turbo Expo.

To find out if you are eligible, visit the TEECE page.

The International Gas Turbine Institute (IGTI) Student Advisory Committee (SAC) is currently opening two vacancies for student volunteers who would like to serve the committee from the position of Vice Chair and Secretary. The deadline of both applications is May 19th, 2023.

Students interested in applying should visit this page.

The Student Advisory Committee (SAC) meeting takes place every year during the ASME Turbo Expo. All student conference attendees are welcome to join and start their SAC journey by becoming members. During this meeting, members of International Gas Turbine Institute (IGTI) executive committee are invited to give a brief presentation and answer any questions. The SAC initiatives and associated statistics throughout the year are presented and, finally, the election process for the next SAC Vice-Chair and Secretary takes place.

Note: All student travel award recipients and student liaisons are expected to attend this meeting.

ASME wants to help you make a difference in mechanical engineering by providing up to $500,000+ in Scholarships for ASME Student Members!

To read more, please visit the Student Scholarship Page.