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Student Paper Review Initiative

The SAC Student Paper Review Initiative aims to pair a student with a senior member of the community to complete a paper review. We are looking for students who are interested in reviewing a paper for Turbo Expo 2025 and the Journal of Turbomachinery. This is an excellent opportunity to learn how the review process works, and to work with a leader in the student's preferred field. Your CV/Resume is required for the application.

Requirements that applicants must meet:

  1. General consistency of the background with ASME IGTI / Gas Turbine Technology Group
  2. At least one paper published in total (peer-reviewed conference or journal)
  3. Be a PhD student (highly recommended, but exceptional master students can also apply)

The Student Advisory Committee is also looking for an exceptional candidate to take over the organization of this initiative, as the SRI Chair. As the chair of this initiative, you will be responsible for evaluating student applications for the paper review initiative, communicating with the technical committees and their chairs, and overall ensuring smooth and fruitful collaboration between the technical tracks and volunteer students. Your CV/Resume and a short motivation letter are required for the application.

Requirements that applicants must meet:

  1. Be a PhD student for the majority of time until TE25 (exceptional master students can also apply)
  2. Have at least one publication in Turbo Expo and/or related journals.
  3. Be consistently active in the IGTI community and familiar with Turbo Expo processes.
  4. Previous technical paper review experience (strongly recommended).

Application for Student Review Chair is now closed.

Thank you to the Chair of the Student Review Initiative and the student volunteers for their exceptional work in completing paper reviews for Turbo Expo 2025.

Taha S. Sherif

Taha S. Sherif
SRI Chair | Turbo Expo 2025 ASME IGTI
ASME Member, ASME Journal Author and Reviewer
Ph.D. Researcher in Sustainability and Renewable Energy Technologies
Faculty of Engineering, Menoufia University, Menoufia National University (MNU)

Taha Sherif is an international researcher in Sustainability and Renewable Energy Technologies. He had published novel research articles in several High impacted ASME journals. In terms of his significant research work and its conclusions, Taha seeks to lead the global scientific committee's efforts to highlight the significant role of the dynamic approach in strengthening the sustainability of modern Vertical-Axis Wind Turbines’ performance and shaping the prime cornerstone to achieve a sustainable VAWT performance. Taha is selected for the ASME-IGTI SACTA Award 2025 in addition to being selected as the ASME-IGTI 2023, 2024 and 2025 Liaison and reviewer for the ASME-IGTI Wind Energy Committee. His long-term and professional expertise in the peer-review process cycle in high impacted journals and conferences has enabled him to coordinate successfully the SRI 2025 alongside with the SAC leadership and conference managers.

Reviewer Name


Aircraft Engine
Kangana Patel University of Central Florida
Alexander Reaves University of Cambridge
Combustion, Fuels & Emissions
A.K.M. Nazrul/Islam Tokyo Metropolitan University
Apurav Gupta The University of Alabama
Farshid Yousefzad Farrokhi University of Mons
Cycle Innovations
Vincent THIELENS University of Mons (Belgium)
Heat Transfer
Hanlin Wang Texas A&M
Matthew Krull The Pennsylvania State University
Tammy Nguyen-Huynh The Ohio State University
Manufacturing Materials & Metallurgy
Abhilash Prasad University of Central Florida
Steam Turbine
Mohannad Khair The Pennsylvania State University
Supercritical CO2
Shrey Sahai Gupta Indian Institute of Science Bangalore
Sean Hanrahan The University of Melbourne
Lorenzo Da Valle University of Liege
Wind Energy
Taha S. Sherif Menoufia University (MU) & Menoufia National University (MNU)
Shehab Osama Tokyo University