The Global Gas Turbine News (GGTN) is published inside ASME's Mechanical Engineering magazine. The GGTN provides technical content as well as updates on happenings within the IGTI Community. If you are an ASME member, you automatically receive Mechanical Engineering as part of your membership. For single-issue reprints of Mechanical Engineering or to subscribe, call 1-800-THE ASME.
Meet the Editorial Committee
The ASME Global Gas Turbine News (GGTN) Editorial Committee is a diverse team with members from Industry, Academia, and Government across the globe. The Committee is responsible for facilitating the finding, editing, and publishing of technical articles related to the latest trends in Turbomachinery in a periodic insert into the ASME ME Magazine. The ASME Magazine eventually gets distributed across all its 85000+ members, and the latest issues can be found on this page.
If you would be interested in writing an article, or serving on the Editorial Committee, please reach out to AhmedH@asme.org for more information and include a recent CV.
Tamy GuimarĂ£es
Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering
The Pennsylvania State University
Lorenzo Mazzei, PhD
CFD Consultant
Ergon Research, Italy
Uma Maheshwar
Chief Consulting Engineer
GE Aerospace Engineering-India
Lee S. Langston
Professor Emeritus
University of Connecticut
Angela Serra
Senior Technical Emissions Advisor
Baker Hughes
Keun Ryu, Ph.D
Associate Professor
Hanyang University, South Korea
Lance L. Smith
Senior Technical Fellow
RTS Technology Research Center (RTRC)
Manfred Klein
Energy Consultant
MA Klein & Assoc.
Hafsa Ahmed
Conference Coordinator, ASME
IGTI Liaison
In this issue…
- As the Turbine Turns: The First Jet Pilots
- Performance Improvement of Micro Turbine Engine with Additive Manufacturing Technology
- Machine Learning in Computational Fluid Dynamics and its Implication in Turbomachinery
- Awards & Scholarship Information
In this issue…
- As the Turbine Turns: ETOPS – Turbojet Extended Range Operations
- Auxiliary Power Units – Workhorses with Unique Challenges in Aviation
- Benefits of Additive Manufacturing for Refurbished Gas Turbine's Components Redesign
- Awards & Scholarship Information
In this issue...
- As the Turbine Turns: C-17 Globemaster Jet Engine Thrust Reversers
- Challenges of Boundary Layer Ingestion Engine Design and Future Directions
- Boundary Layer Ingestion Aeroacoustics Challenges and Ongoing Research Efforts in Europe
- Awards Information
In this issue...
- As the Turbine Turns: Jet Web – The Origin of the Turbojet
- Machinery for sCO2 Power Cycles: Technical Challenges and Experimental Validation Overview
- Evolution of Gas Turbines for Air, Land and Marine: A Brief Historical Perspective
- Awards and Scholarship Information
In this issue...
- As the Turbine Turns: Abrams Tank Gas Turbine Power
- Raising Ambition in Net Zero Aviation
- A Decarbonized Aviation Path with Sustainable Aviation Fuel
- IGTI and GTTG Appoints New Members
- Awards Information
- Turbo Expo 2023 Goes to Boston
In this issue...
- As the Turbine Turns: Gas Turbine Pumped Thermal Energy Storage
- Turbo Expo 2023
- Additive Manufacturing Benefits and Challenges in Developing Turbine Technologies
- Inspiring Pressure Gain Combustion Integration, Research and Education
- Awards Information
In this Issue:
- As the Turbine Turns: Performance Benefits of Intercooling
- Aviation Fleet Management: Transformation Through AI / Machine Learning
- Ammonia as Jet Fuel: One Path to Zero-Carbon Aviation
- Turbo Expo 2023 & Awards Information
In this Issue:
- Turbo Expo 2022 in Rotterdam, The Netherlands
- Turbo Expo 2023 in Boston, Massachusetts USA
- As the Turbine Turns: Pelton Turbines: Elefant and Efficient
- Outlook on Thermal Energy Harvesting
- Gas Turbines of the Future
- Awards Information
- New ASME IGTI and GTTG Leaders
In this Issue:
- As the Turbine Turns: RISE Looks to Advance Open Rotor Engines
- Development of Hypersonic Pre-Cooled Turbojet Engine
- Micro Gas Turbines — Trends and Opportunities
- ASME Turbo Expo 2022
- Conference Theme
In this issue:
- Turbo Expo 2022
- Awards & Scholarships
- As the Turbine Turns: The Ascent of Geared Turbofan Engines
- A New Stall Warning Strategy for Gas Turbines
- 2021 AMRGT and GT India
In this issue:
- Gas Turbine Technology Group and IGTI Executive Committee
- Turbo Expo 2021
- As the Turbine Turns: The World’s Most Efficient Heat Engine
- The Road to a Digital Twin
- Awards Information
- 2021 AMRGT and GT India
In this issue:
- Turbo Expo Virtual Exhibition
- As the Turbine Turns: A Supercritical CO2 Gas Turbine Alert
- Writing Turbojet History... Today
- AMRGT 2021
- Scholarship Program, GT India, Turbo Expo 2021
In this Issue:
- Turbo Expo 2020 & 2021
- As the Turbine Turns: Piped Gas Fuels GT Power Plant Growth
- Adding Energy Storage to the Combined Cycle
- GTSLT & Supporting the IGTI Community