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Turbo Expo > Register

General Registration is Open

Register Here

Author/Presenter Registration $1300

Only the Presenting Author must register in this category. The deadline for Presenting Authors is March 18, 2025.

Please make sure to upload your final paper. The original full length paper draft does not count as your final paper. If you do not upload a final paper, your paper will be removed from the conference and will not be published.

  • For each Technical Publication, a minimum of one author must have a paid registration at the Full Conference Author rate. Student rates do not apply.

  • One author registration fee can cover up to a maximum of two (2) technical papers or presentation only submissions.

  • An author registering at the author rate with more than two (2) technical papers or presentation only submissions to present at the podium, must request a co-author to register.

  • For a complete list of presentation requirements, please visit the ASME Policy Page.

Click here for Additional Registration Information including Letters of Invitation, Badge Pick-up, Group Registration, Cancellation/Refund Policy and more.

General Registration- Opens March 19, 2025

Member Registration

Category Advance
March 19-March 31
April 1-May 31
June 1-June 15
June 16-June 20
Full Conference $1,300 $1,450 $1,550 $1,650
Full Conference-Student $700 $850 $950 $1,050
Life Member $700 $850 $950 $1,050
3 Day Conference $1,060 $1,210 $1,310 $1,410

Non-Member Registration

Category Advanced
March 19-March 31
April 1-May 31
June 1-June 15
June 16-June 20
Full Conference $1,500 $1,650 $1,750 $1,850
Full Conference-Student $750 $900 $1,000 $1,100
3 Day Conference $1,220 $1,370 $1,470 $1,570

*Sponsor & Exhibitor Registration

Category Advance
March 19-March 31
April 1-May 31
June 1-June 15
June 16-June 20
Exhibiting Company $1,100 $1,250 $1,350 $1,470
Platinum Sponsor Employee $900 $1,050 $1,150 $1,250
Additional Booth Personnel $250 $250 $250 $250

*Group Registration

Category Advance
March 19-March 31
April 1-May 31
June 1-June 15
June 16-June 20
Group 10-30 $1,180 $1,330 $1,430 $1,530
Group 31-50 $1,120 $1,270 $1,370 $1,470

*Sponsor, Exhibitor & Group Registration meets the publication requirements for Presenters/Authors if the individual is registered by March 18, 2025.

Additional Registration Information

Visitor/Guest Registration can be purchased for $150.  Registration Includes:

  • Admittance into the Turbo Expo exhibition hall
  • Admission to networking sessions including the Expo Hall Networking Session, Grand Opening Turbo Expo Keynote Program, Welcome Reception, and the Student/Early Career Engineer Reception
  • Lunch is NOT included. You may purchase lunch separately during the registration process.

  • Access to all conference sessions including technical presentations, keynote sessions, panel discussions, tutorial of basics sessions, and award ceremonies.
  • Admission to networking sessions including the welcome reception, student/early career engineer mixer & exhibit hall receptions.
  • Admittance into the Turbo Expo exhibition hall Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
  • Access to the Student Poster Session.
  • Online access to all Turbo Expo 2025 final accepted papers.
  • Opportunity to attend facility tours.
  • Access to daily lunches.
  • Opportunity to register for the Celebrating Women in Turbomachinery Dinner.

  • Student registration rates are only available to undergraduate and graduate students who are enrolled full-time and have not yet received their Ph.D. Post-docs may not register as students.

  • Persons who register at the Student Member or Student Non-Member rate will be required to submit current valid student identification to ASME. If the identification is not validated, the attendee will need to register in one of the non-student registration categories.

Group registration is for groups of 10-30 or 31-50.

Please email to initiate the group registration invoice process and include the following:

  • Company Name
  • Company Address
  • Company Contact Name
  • Company Contact Email
  • Number of Registrants*

*include the exact number of registrations you wish to purchase, not a range.

Once the invoice is paid, the company contact will receive a code to distribute. The code's usage limit corresponds to the number of registrations specified on the invoice.

All group registrations must be paid in full by June 3.

Attendees who pay the Non-Member registration rate will be offered a complimentary 4-month ASME trial membership following the conference. ASME will contact eligible registrants and invite them to join ASME within 90 days after the conference. For more information, visit the ASME Membership website.

You will be able to request your Conference Letter of Invitation during the Registration process which will be sent as a PDF attachment via email. Once your fee is paid in full, your letter will be sent. If you require a hard copy invitation letter to be mailed to you, you may request and pay for a hard copy invitation letter during the registration process.

Badges will not be mailed. All badges must be picked-up onsite. Photo identification is required for badge pick-up at the on-site registration desk. Full Payment is required to attend Turbo Expo. Badges will not be given to anyone with an outstanding payment.

Participation in Turbo Expo 2025 is at your own risk. Please make your own health and travel insurance arrangements.

A PDH Certificate will be emailed to you after the conference indicating the number of PDHs earned during the conference.

Participants are reminded that material presented at ASME conferences is under the copyright of ASME. As a result, participants are prohibited from recording, screen-capturing, or photographing presentations in their entirety with the intent to distribute them to others.

  • Cancellations received on or before May 16, 2025 will receive a full refund, less $150 administrative fee.

  • No refunds will be granted after May 16, 2025. NO EXCEPTIONS. No-shows will not be eligible for refunds.