Materials Testing Institute (MPA) Laboratory and Testing Facilities
Friday, October 6, 2023 | 2:00pm – 3:00pm
Address: Universität Stuttgart Campus Vaihingen, Pfaffenwaldring 32, 70569 Stuttgart
Price: €25
Tour participants will visit the Materials Testing Institute (MPA) Laboratory and Testing Facilities. Researchers will give tours and highlight how MPA is one of the leading institutions in Germany in materials research and materials testing.
During our tour we will visit the following departments and areas of the Materials Testing Institute (MPA): Joining Technology and Additive Manufacturing, Non-Destructive Testing, Hydrogen Department, High Temperature Material Testing, Vibration Testing, Large Component Test Hall, Test Shaft and many more.
In addition, the lab will introduce the nuclear projects they have completed at MPA and projects currently underway and planned in this area.
Participants will be transported from the conference venue to the lab and back. Shuttle leaves at 1:30pm on October 6th from the conference center.