This year, industry experts from several committees will present basic tutorials for their respective disciplines in a way that promises to engage and interest engineers from other fields. These tutorials are ideal for learning the fundamentals and key components of specific disciplines within the field of turbo technology.
Aircraft Engine
- Climate Impact of Aviation Emissions and the Implications to Aircraft Engine Design
- Basics of Turboshaft Engine Cycle Design and Optimization
- Basics of Gas Turbine Engine Core
Ceramics and Ceramic Composites
- Environmental Barrier Coatings for Gas Turbine Applications
- Ceramic Matrix Composites: Variations and Properties
Coal, Biomass, Hydrogen & Alternative Fuels
- Design of Fuel Cells-Based Power & Propulsion Systems for Different Applications: Automotive, Aircraft, Power Generation
- Life Cycle Assessment Basics and Application to Optimize the Environmental Sustainability of Gas Turbines During New Product Development
- Challenges of Combustion Computational Fluid Dynamics for Industrial Gas Turbine Engines
Combustion, Fuels & Emissions
- Combustion Fundamentals
- Combustion Dynamics Tutorial
Cycle Innovations
- Power Plant Hybridization for Enhanced Flexibility and Energy Storage
- Micro-Gas Turbine: Technological Advancements and Market Research
- Closed Thermodynamic Cycle Analysis and Optimization
Cycle Innovations: Energy Storage
- Overview of Long-Duration Energy Storage Systems and Technologies
- Tutorial: Hydrogen for Power and Energy Storage
Electric Power
- Understanding Digital Twins & Machine Learning/ai for Gas Turbine Applications
Fans and Blowers
- Unsupervised Learning Methods for Design Space Exploration
- Introduction to the Aerodynamic Design of Axial Flow Industrial Fans
Heat Transfers
- Rotating Disc Cavity Flows
- Fundamental of Mist Cooling and Its Applications in Gas Turbine System
- Gas Turbine Design
Industrial & Cogeneration
- Combustion and Emissions Tutorial
Manufacturing Materials & Metallurgy
- Metallurgy for the Non-Metallurgist
- Sustainable Production of Advanced Turbomachinery Components in a Digitized Environment
Microturbines, Turbochargers & Small Turbomachines
- Unsteady Flow in Small Radial Compressors: From Surge to Noise Emissions
Oil & Gas Applications
- Industrial Gas Turbines
- Oil and Gas Applications for Turbomachinery
- Demonstration of Possible Economic Benefit of Property Risk Mitigation at Gas Turbine Power Plants
- Basics of Rotordynamics Instrumentation and Data Acquisition
Steam Turbine
- Two Phase Flow in Steam Turbines
Structures and Dynamics: Structural Mechanics & Vibration
- Time-Frequency Spectral Analysis of Vibration Signals by Wavelet Transform
- Tutorial: Reduced Order Modeling and Identification of Mistuned Bladed Disks
Structures and Dynamics: Aerodynamics Excitation & Damping
- Introduction to Turbomachinery Aeromechanics (No Equations, Only Pictures and Movies) Structures and Dynamics: Rotordynamics
- Introduction to Rotordynamic Fundamentals
Supercritical CO2
- Tutorial: Turbo Machinery Design for Supercritical Co2 Applications
- Heat Exchangers for Supercritical Co2 Power Cycle Applications
- An Introduction to Supercritical Co2: Basics, Cycles, and Applications
- Materials for Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Applications
- Introduction to Low Pressure Turbine Aerodynamic Design and Its Challenges
- Reduced Order Modelling Approach for Turbomachinery Secondary Flow Systems
- A Quick Method to Draw Dimensionless Velocity Diagrams for Axial-Flow Compressors and Turbines Directly from Their Flow Coefficient, Loading Coefficient, and Reaction
- Introduction to Large Eddy Simulations
Wind Energy
- Challenges in Developing the New Generation of Wind Turbines